16 Awesome Last Minute Gift Ideas for the Pug and Pug Lover
These fun gifts are sure to get your pug-obsessed friend's tail a-wagging.

1. Pretty in Pink

Spoil the fashion maven in your life with this whimsical phone case by Maryline Cazenave.

Stylish Promenade Iphone 5 case, $42.95, MarylineCazenave
Cute Pug Dog Chewing on a Kong
Photo credit: PKMousie

2. Now Chew This

If your pug is chewing you out of house and home try this twist on the old classic. It's specially made for aggressive chewers and you can stuff it with treats for a chewy good time.

Kong Extreme, $9.49, Amazon.com
Frozen Peanut Butter Treats for Dog

3. Nom Nom Nom

From cheese to pizza crust, we all know that pugs love to eat. But if you're looking to give your pug a special snack, check out this recipe for frozen peanut butter treats from bunnyroobeagle.

When you're sneaking your pug a snack, remember raisins, grapes, chocolate or onions are  no-nos, but that's not all. Check out Pet Web Md for a surprising list of Foods That Dogs Should Never Eat.

4. Fur Begone

If your pug sheds enough to knit a sweater, try the Zoom Groom.  This is great for dogs that hate to be brushed, because it is soft and massages as it grabs loose hair.

Kong Zoom Groom, $10.05 , Amazon.com

5. Pug Love

Not only can you customize this shirt with her name or favorite pug saying, but you can also choose the color of her pug for a truly one-of-a-kind gift.

Pug Love T-shirt, $29.95, CartoonizeMyPet
Pug Running

Happy and Healthy

One of the best gifts for your friend is a long and healthy life.

6. Dogs can't get on the internet to de-stress. Be the hero in your pug's life and exercise your dog daily. It helps with mood and weight issues, but it can also help prevent or at least postpone joint problems.

7. It's easy to forget those pearly whites, but with a tasty toothpaste you can keep your pugs teeth healthy.  If you're having trouble getting your pug to brush his teeth.Greenies are a good alternative. One Greenie a day can  keep teeth clean by removing plaque and tartar buildup from the surface of the teeth. And they taste good, or so I've heard. I've never actually tried one. Greenies Treat-Pak 12 oz bag, $14.99, Amazon.com

8. The folds in a pugs skin can get pretty yucky and if it stays unattended it can develop infections.To keep the outside of the eyes and nose wrinkle clean use an unscented baby wipe. Afterwards dry thoroughly with a tissue. For the pug who hates baths try hypo-allergenic Earthbath All Natural Grooming Wipes, $15, Amazon.com

9. Chapstick for your dog. A dog's nose is highly sensitive and can become very painful when their tissues are dry, chapped or cracked.If your pug has dry and scaley nose try Snout Smoother, $39.97, Amazon.com

10. "I find your lack of chew toys disturbing." - Darth Pug

Your pug may not appreciate this costume, but it was so cute I couldn't resist. Preserve your dog's dignity and don't get this.

Star Wars Darth Vader Costume, $19.99, Amazon.com

12. Pug-a-nista

Gretta Rose the pug is a beautiful fashionista and her sweet smile is sure to brighten even the cloudiest days. This adorable pug mug reads, "Laugh until your belly hurts and then just laugh a bit more."

Tutu Pug Mug, $16.95, LovePugsAndKisses

13. Old Fashioned

Pugs are cute, no mater what era! This fawn colored pug was painted in 1800 by E. Stuart Hardy. Perfect for the vintage pug lover.

Vintage Pug Stationery, $1/sheet,  JustRightGraphics

14. Pug-zzling?

Why do pugs feet smell like popcorn? Author Gemma Correll draws on experiences with her own pugs to answer this and other puzzling questions with her hilarious book.

Pug's Guide to Etiquette by Gemma Correll, $14.95, Amazon.com.
Sad Pug Wristlets
Sad Pug Wristlets by Wilderzoo
Look at more Pug Bagettes Bags at zazzle

15. Wish You Were Here

Show the pug lover who's far away how much you miss them with this cute little cosmetics bag.

Sad Pug Wristlet, $49.95, Wilderzoo
Pug Rescue Poster
Pug Rescue Poster by gopuggo
Look at more Poster templates and designs online at Zazzle

16. The Best Gift is a Loving Home

If you love pugs, why not think about fostering or adopting a rescue pug.  The AKC and the Pug Dog Club has a list of sites in your area that are looking for new mommies and daddies for needy pugs.

But wait, there' more!

Last but not least, pugs are very social animals and need lots of love and attention. However, they can be a handful and they're not for everyone. If you're thinking about adopting a pug make an informed decision and read "Don't Get a Pug" by Pug Village.

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